Getting Ready For a Baby - Newborn Baby Necessities

Being pregnant and getting ready for a new baby is no small feat. At least you have about nine or so months to prepare! either this will be your first or your fifth there are many things to think about. However, there is no need to worry. Worrying will only add unnecessary stress to your body. To make things easier on yourself you can break up your list into needs and wants.

Truth be told there are many things you could do without. If you are on a allocation then you really only need to be concerned with necessities anyway. What are the baby's necessities? They are food, bathing, clothing, and travel.

New Born Diapers

Here are some things you will need for baby:

The nursery is more of a luxury at this point. Many times the baby is kept with the parents or in a bassinet by the parents bed. The only part of a nursery that is really really needed is a crib, crib mattress, and crib bedding. Also, for soothing and sleeping purposes, a swing might be a necessity if you have a fussy baby.

There will be times when you need to tour especially to go to the doctor for the baby's wellness check ups. So you will need an infant car seat. You may not need a stroller for a while but there are some infant car seat and stroller combinations that will make life much easier in the long run.

In the beginning you will need a baby bathtub. You do not want to submerge your newborn into the bath water. You plainly want to wipe him or her clean with a wash cloth. Of course, you will need baby bath soap, wash cloths, towels, powder, and lotion. You also need to care for the umbilical cord with a cotton ball and alcohol.

Some parents want to use all natural and reusable diapers (cloth) while other parents choose to use disposable diapers. One thing is sure - the baby needs diapers. Along with diapers the baby also needs wipes and diaper rash cream. To make carrying all of these things an easy task a diaper bag is assuredly needed.

If you are breastfeeding a breast pump will come in very handy especially if you are going back to work. You will also need plastic warehouse bags to store your milk. Besides, Dad will want to feed the baby too, right? If you are not breastfeeding then you will need formula. In both cases, you will need bottles and burp cloths.

Clothing the baby properly depends upon which season your baby is born in. Bodysuits are perfect for lying colse to the house. They have bodysuits for summer and winter. In the beginning your baby might spend a lot of time wrapped up in a blanket. So it is good to have any blankets. Also, to prevent your baby from scratching his or her face you will want to have mittens for the hands. Socks or booties also come in handy.

And of course, as your baby grows there will be more things he or she will need. Right now all you need to do is get the necessities and you will be ready for your newborn baby!

Getting Ready For a Baby - Newborn Baby Necessities