Receiving blanket as a Cloth Diaper?

Receiving blanket as a Cloth Diaper? Video Clips. Duration : 5.92 Mins.

Clothing Diapering on a budget, or maybe your diaper pail is full and you are in need! Receiving blankets make excellent cloth diapers and with a few different fold styles, you can have absorbency where you need it, and trim where you need it. Okay, so 2 little helpers (age 10 and 14 months) and one handed filming, pretty filming it makes not! Sorry, but you get the idea. This is a simple carters receiving blanket used as a "flat" in a Bummis Super Whisper Wrap. My point, you can use nearly ANYTHING as a great fitting, trim, cloth diaper with a decent to mid-line cover. Make sure the fabric is 100% cotton and washable of course, and have fun!

Tags: cloth diaper, cloth, baby, newborn, bummis, bum genius, fitted, aio, flats, prefolds, disposable, paper diapers, plastic diapers, cover wrap, alternative diapering, vlog, craft

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